A sense of freedom

It first hit me that I was actually going traveling by myself, for 9 months halfway through my first flight, en route to Doha airport. I’ll be honest, my initial reaction was panic, and ‘what were you thinking’ definitely ran through my mind. However, almost instantly those nerves were completely eclipsed with an overwhelming sense of freedom. I have no deadlines, expectations or responsibilities to uphold – I can just do what I want! I actually laughed a bit, it was like a bubble in me popped and a sense of relief just spread through my body.  Yes, I’m aware of how poncey that sounds but it’s the only way I can describe it.

To bring things back to earth,  I’ve spent my first morning in Bangkok nursing a hangover after an impromptu visit to Khan San road last night. Obviously I’m making good use of my freedom. Ugh. Rather than completely waste my day (and whilst I wait for the water and paracetamol to do their jobs) I thought I’d get my first blog post up!

I meet my Stray group tonight, so will find out who I’m going to be traveling with for the next few days/weeks. I booked onto the Stray Lot pass, which is a hop on hop off bus tour which goes through Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. It should give me some structure whilst I get used to things but also take me through most of all 4 countries, which is pretty exciting. I’m heading back to Thailand after Vietnam, so I can visit the islands as well – the Lot pass heads North from Bangkok so I wont be insta-spamming pictures of those beaches just yet.

Anyway, I’ve spent long enough feeling sorry for myself. It’s time to get the suncream and go and explore.


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